Holowesko Pyfrom Fletcher

Holowesko Realty is associated with Holowesko Pyfrom Fletcher, a leading law firm in The Bahamas.
Their partners sit on Boards of local and international banks, companies, and organizations, and have held senior positions in government including President of the Senate, and Ambassador.
Whether you live in The Bahamas, are considering a move, or wish to start a commercial venture here you will receive individualized attention, and efficient and effective service.
The firm specializes in the areas of real estate, financial services, development proposals, wills & estate planning and related fields of law including Corporate, Immigration and Labour law.
They assist their non-Bahamian clients with the preparation of Government applications, and guide them through the permit process to completion. Mindful that international clients work in different time zones, they have distinguished themselves by being available to their clients when they are needed, to giving their clients individualized attention and to acting on their behalf promptly, efficiently, and effectively.
Their practice includes substantial corporate work, the setting up of off-shore banks, condominiums, hotels in the Outer Islands, resort development, medical tourism proposals, fund registration, banking, luxury residential communities and private acquisition of real estate.
Born Nassau, Bahamas 1939; admitted, Barrister England and Wales, Middle Temple, London 1963, Counsel and Attorney, Supreme Court of Bahamas 1963. Education: Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.; The Inns of Court, Middle Temple, London. Notary Public, Former Lecturer, Law Students Association, Nassau, Bahamas. Commissioner, Land Title, Carmichael Village, 1963 – Member: Bahamas Bar Association, Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).
PRACTICE AREAS:Banking, Mortgages, and Commercial Financing; Companies, Trusts and Foundations; Corporate Planning Structures; Commercial Transactions and Business Law; Foreign Direct Investment; Real Estate; Resorts and Leisure; Estate Administration and Probate; Admiralty, Maritime and Shipping.
Email: jpyfrom@hpflegal.com
Admitted to the Bahamas Bar, 1985 Bahamas. Education: Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, Connecticut; Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.; She was called to the Bahamas Bar in 1985, is a member of the international Law Firm Network, and is a partner in the law firm Holowesko Pyfrom Fletcher.
Mrs. Holowesko has held the following Bahamas government positions: President of the Senate,2007 to 2012; Senator, 2000-2002; Ambassador for the Environment, 1994-2000; Founder/Chairman, Bahamas Environment, Science & Technology Commission (BEST), 1994-2000; Deputy Chairman, Town Planning Committee, 1992-1996; Chairman, Quincentennial Celebration of Columbus Landing in The Bahamas, 1992.
Mrs. Holowesko has also held the following positions in the United Nations: Co-Chairman, United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Panel of Experts on Environmental Law for the Montevideo Programme. 1999-2000; Chairman, United Nations Legal Drafting Committee for Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, 1999-2001; Council member of the Ad Hoc Committee for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, 1998-2001; Representative to the UN Commission on Sustainable Development, 1995-199.
LANGUAGES: English and Spanish.
PRACTICE AREAS:Resort Development and Planning; Conveyancing; Residency and Immigration Law; Corporate Law and Management; Ship Registration; Environmental Law; Wills, Probate Matters and Estate Management; Fund Registration Management and Compliance.
Email: lholowesko@hpflegal.com
Born Nassau, Bahamas, 1954: admitted, Barrister, England and Wales, Lincoln’s Inn 1992; Counsel and Attorney, Supreme Court of the Bahamas 1993. Education: St. Andrew’s College, Aurora, Ontario, Canada; University of London (M.A.); University of East Anglia (LL.B.). Member: Bahamas Bar Association, Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).
PRACTICE AREAS: Real Estate, Company Law, Trusts, Wills and Estates, Licensing of Securities Industry Professionals.
Email: pfletcher@hpflegal.com
For more information, contact Holowesko Pyfrom Fletcher at:
Holowesko Pyfrom Fletcher
Counsel & Attorneys at Law
Templeton Building
West Bay Street, N-7776-348
Lyford Cay
Nassau, Bahamas
Tel: 242-362-6251
Email: info@hpflegal.com